Lingua Francas

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

   The Learning Bulletin blog site  is created on the basis of challenging the minds of individuals to manifold of things that abound in Nature.
     On this blog post I will be sharing some intriguing general facts that are worth knowing;

- the most valued currency in the world is the Kuwaiti Dinar Of Kuwait. 1 Kuwait Dinar is equivalent to approximately $3.4 that is about N1200.

- According to the World poverty clock organization, An individual is said to be poor when he/she spends less than $1.90 aday
Poverty is when an individual spends less than $1.90 a day
90 million Nigerians are  currently living in abject poverty.
    - The Human brain is made up about of 100 billion nerve cells for functionality.
- The word "Google" is coined from the word "googol" which means 1 followed by 100 zeros.
- The Country with the largest land mass is Russia.
- The ring structures that form around the planet Saturn are actually made up of  dust, craters and mineral deposits.
- According to the Big Bang theory, The Earth is 4.5 billion ( 4500000000 ) years old.
- The Continent where no reptiles can be found is Antarctica. It is mostly made up of sea animals and birdsong like The Penguins.
- The word "hypnosis" was coined from "hypnos" the Greek God of Sleep.
- The name of Adolf Hitler's wife was Eva Braun ; Interestingly, they got married the day before they both committed suicide due to the Germany's imminent defeat during the Second world War. ( They Died on April 30th, 1945 and they got married on April 29th, 1945).

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