Lingua Francas

Saturday, 29 February 2020


The word Brandy is derived from the Dutch phrase Brandewijn meaning "Burnt wine".
- American Negro hero Abraham Lincoln had a lot of taverns in his term as a way of also helping people.
- The pressure exerted by a popped champagne is about 90 pounds per square inch ; that is equivalent to three times the pressure of a car tyre and take could take your both eyes out.
- The sense organs of babies are about three(3) times as effective in adults.
- Hypochondria or Hypochondriasis is a medical condition in which a person has an uncontrollable and unnatural feeling of being sick.
The country India speaks over 800 ethnic languages
There is a lizard known as the Jesus Christ Lizard. This name is given to it because if it's ability to walk on water.
- Superfetation is a phenomenon whereby a woman is able to conceive while still having another foetus in her womb.
- A precise kick/hit to the nuts (testicles) is equivalent to giving birth to 160kids and breaking 3,200 bones at the same time.
- The word Amazon is for Greek goddess of athleticism as used in mythology.
- The brain is such a delicate issue that it starts bleeding on the slightest if touches.
- Cats are one of the most lazy animals in the world ; the sleep 70% of their lives.
- The last exploration/voyage to the moon was in the year 1972 by the Apollo 17 team.
- The American flags which were fixated on the moon during the Apollo mission would have turned white by now due to the adverse atmospheric conditions on the lunar surface.
- The first mobile phone call was Made by Martin Cooper ; a former Motorola inventor.
- Nomophobia is the fear of being without your mobile phone.
A survey conducted by SecurEnvoy showed that young adults and adolescents are more likely to suffer from Nomophobia. The same survey reported that 77% of the teens reported anxiety and worries when they were without their mobile phones, followed by the 25-34 age group and people over 55 years old ; Creepy !
- Female black widow spiders ; as similar to queen bees eat their males after  mating. For the male anopheles mosquito they die after mating
- Most of the insulin used in treating animals are gotten from pigs and sheeps.
- Alcohol (Ethanol) can also be used as the liquid in thermometers.
- It takes just six(6) minutes for alcohol to react with the brain cells and begin to take effect on the body.