Lingua Francas

Sunday, 29 December 2019


  The term " Superpower " doesn't essentially meaning having the powers of unimaginable strength (  Superman ) , being able to run at supersonic speeds (Flash) or having the ability to lift up objects 50 times your weight using a web coming off from your subdermal flesh ( Spider Man ) as we know all these things are SciFi right ?
    A mortal being's superpower is that ability that makes a person realize his uniqueness, purpose and value.
  We all marvel at mind chemistry having the  ability to possess many qualities  ; knowledge, conscience, courage, show of humour and many others but few people possess  rare qualities that could be missing link to our lives moving forward ; these quality can be what you call " Superpower " and the two most common types of superpowers are ;
- EMPATHY : This is a quality and attribute everyone should possess ; why so ?
  Empathy is the ability to intuit, envisage and understand the feelings and thought of another person without being told by the person in question. It's nothing about parapsychology ; it's just a SUPERPOWER !
     An empathetic  businessman/businesswoman will know how and when to convince his/her customers or prospects to buy his/her products.
    An Empathetic writer will be able to deduce the feelings and emotions (maybe not all) of some of his book readers and as a result, write the right things into the minds of his audience which will propel his/her career forward.

-DISCERNMENT : This is the property of being able to distinguish and singularize different things from each other ; for the betterment of  yourself. Discernment is similar to the choice of picking between the good and bad. The only distinction is that it involves the good and the REAL GOOD.
    What does this imply ?
- A person who wants to be a pioneer in science and technology can simply follow the footsteps and paths of 2face ( 2baba ), Eminem, Celine Dion, Justin Bieber or what have you ; you will rather look up to guys like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and others.
- An overly  religious oriented person ( A pastor, Bishop or clergyman in the making ) can simply live his life based on the words men like Jay Shetty, Brian Tracy or even Les Brown ; you'd have to be more of a Daniel Kolenda,  Bishop Oyedepo or Apostle Selman kind of person.
 These are examples of DISCERNMENT ; not as if one is not good ; it all balls down to choosing your path and follow its rules that will get you to the top ; and this also clarifies a more recent trend about the beef against motivational speakers ; truth is, they take it from a general angle which can be somehow cumbersome and hard to assimilate but it's left to you to discern to find your path in what they are trying to say.

- Already found new strategies to make your incoming year blissful and fulfilling ?
- Then add  these pairs of superpowers to your cabinet !
- It will come in very handy !
- Be a Buddha !
- Get it right !

Les avenir est Ici !